ES: Evolutionary Strategy¶
Evolutionary Strategy is a well-known algorithm in evolutionary computation consisting of selection and mutation. The standard version has been proposed for real-valued optimization where a gaussian mutation is applied, and the selection is based on each individual’s fitness value.
In this implementation the 1/7 rule creates seven times more offspring than individuals in the current population. The \(sigma\) values for the mutation are based on a meta-evolution of surviving individuals.
from import ES
from pymoo.problems import get_problem
from pymoo.optimize import minimize
problem = get_problem("ackley", n_var=10)
algorithm = ES(n_offsprings=200, rule=1.0 / 7.0)
res = minimize(problem,
("n_gen", 200),
print("Best solution found: \nX = %s\nF = %s" % (res.X, res.F))
Best solution found:
X = [ 4.16017242e-08 2.05075037e-06 -1.45371994e-06 3.00645747e-06
-3.48088699e-06 -8.84105527e-07 7.43515081e-07 -1.52894719e-06
2.22753896e-07 1.54870696e-06]
F = [7.33188753e-06]
(self, n_offsprings=200, pop_size=None, rule=1.0 / 7.0, phi=1.0, gamma=0.85, sampling=FloatRandomSampling(), survival=FitnessSurvival(), output=SingleObjectiveOutput(), **kwargs) Evolutionary Strategy (ES)
- Parameters
- n_offspringsint
The number of individuals created in each iteration.
- pop_sizeint
The number of individuals which are surviving from the offspring population (non-elitist)
- rulefloat
The rule (ratio) of individuals surviving. This automatically either calculated n_offsprings or pop_size.
- phifloat
Expected rate of convergence (usually 1.0).
- gammafloat
If not None, some individuals are created using the differentials with this as a length scale.
- samplingobject
The sampling method for creating the initial population.