Our framework is from the community to the community of multi-objective optimization. We would be more than glad if some collaborations and contributions would be happening shortly.
Some topics that are, in our opinion, interesting to incorporate in the future:
New features: For instance, new test problems, algorithms, or any other multi-objective related implementation.
Constraint Handling: So far, mostly parameter-less constraint handling is used. Many different strategies of handling constraints have been studied, and some state of the art methods should be provided in pymoo as well.
Interactive Visualization: Our framework provides static visualization for the objective space in higher dimensions. However, it would be nice to make it possible to explore solutions interactively. A suitable choice would be a web-based application with a javascript/typescript based interface using pymoo to answer requests necessary for plotting or optimization
Other Topics: Those are topics that came to our mind. However, there are many more things related to multi-objective optimization that are interesting and standard implementation in a framework would be useful!
If you are interested in any of those topics, please let us know.