Test Problems¶
In the future, we are planning to provide a comprehensive overview of the problems. So far, we have managed to describe a view of them and plot the functions. Please note that we have used for some problems the descriptions from here.
We want to keep the function definitions as error-free as possible and matching with the implementation. If you find any deviation, please let us know.
Various test problems are already implemented and available by providing the corresponding problem name we have assigned to it. A couple of problems can be further parameterized by providing the number of variables, constraints, or other problem-dependent constants.
from pymoo.problems import get_problem
# create a simple test problem from string
p = get_problem("Ackley")
# the input name is not case sensitive
p = get_problem("ackley")
# also input parameter can be provided directly
p = get_problem("dtlz1^-1", n_var=20, n_obj=5)
Problem |
Description |
many-objective |
DTLZ1^-1 |
Scaled DTLZ |
Convex DTLZ |
WFG1 |
WFG2 |
WFG3 |
WFG4 |
WFG5 |
WFG6 |
WFG7 |
WFG8 |
WFG9 |
Problem |
Variables |
Objectives |
Constraints |
Description |
2 |
2 |
2 |
Carside |
7 |
3 |
10 |
Kursawe |
3 |
2 |
6 |
2 |
6 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
4 |
2 |
4 |
CTP1 |
2 |
2 |
s |
CTP2 |
2 |
2 |
s |
CTP3 |
2 |
2 |
s |
CTP4 |
2 |
2 |
s |
CTP5 |
2 |
2 |
s |
CTP6 |
2 |
2 |
s |
CTP7 |
2 |
2 |
s |
CTP8 |
2 |
2 |
s |
30 |
2 |
30 |
2 |
30 |
2 |
10 |
2 |
80 |
2 |
10 |
2 |
30 |
2 |
11 |
30 |
2 |
11 |
30 |
2 |
11 |
30 |
2 |
11 |
30 |
2 |
11 |
30 |
2 |
11 |
30 |
3 |
7 |
30 |
3 |
7 |
30 |
3 |
7 |
15 |
2 |
1 |
15 |
2 |
1 |
15 |
2 |
2 |
15 |
3 |
1 |
15 |
2 |
3 |
15 |
2 |
1 |
15 |
2 |
2 |
15 |
3 |
1 |
15 |
2 |
1 |
15 |
2 |
3 |
15 |
2 |
4 |
15 |
2 |
2 |
15 |
2 |
2 |
15 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
s |
2 |
20 |
2-5 |
7-10 |
Real-world mechanical design problems |
Problem |
Variables |
Constraints |
Type |
s |
Cantilevered Beams |
4 |
2 |
s |
Himmelblau |
2 |
Knapsack |
s |
1 |
Pressure Vessel |
4 |
4 |
s |
s |
Schwefel |
s |
Sphere |
s |
s |
G01 |
13 |
9 |
G02 |
20 |
2 |
G03 |
10 |
1 |
G04 |
5 |
6 |
G05 |
4 |
5 |
G06 |
2 |
2 |
G07 |
10 |
8 |
G08 |
2 |
2 |
G09 |
8 |
6 |
Global Optimization
Implementations are taken from (SciPy)[https://github.com/scipy/scipy/tree/master/benchmarks/benchmarks/go_benchmark_functions] where a variety of global optimization benchmark problems are provided. Pymoo uses a wrapper class to make all those functions available.
Problem |
Variables |
Constraints |
Name |
2 |
“go-amgm” |
Ackley01 |
2 |
“go-ackley01” |
Ackley02 |
2 |
“go-ackley02” |
Ackley03 |
2 |
“go-ackley03” |
Adjiman |
2 |
“go-adjiman” |
Alpine01 |
2 |
“go-alpine01” |
Alpine02 |
2 |
“go-alpine02” |
BartelsConn |
2 |
“go-bartelsconn” |
Beale |
2 |
“go-beale” |
BiggsExp02 |
2 |
“go-biggsexp02” |
BiggsExp03 |
3 |
“go-biggsexp03” |
BiggsExp04 |
4 |
“go-biggsexp04” |
BiggsExp05 |
5 |
“go-biggsexp05” |
Bird |
2 |
“go-bird” |
Bohachevsky1 |
2 |
“go-bohachevsky1” |
Bohachevsky2 |
2 |
“go-bohachevsky2” |
Bohachevsky3 |
2 |
“go-bohachevsky3” |
BoxBetts |
3 |
“go-boxbetts” |
Branin01 |
2 |
“go-branin01” |
Branin02 |
2 |
“go-branin02” |
Brent |
2 |
“go-brent” |
Brown |
2 |
“go-brown” |
Bukin02 |
2 |
“go-bukin02” |
Bukin04 |
2 |
“go-bukin04” |
Bukin06 |
2 |
“go-bukin06” |
CarromTable |
2 |
“go-carromtable” |
Chichinadze |
2 |
“go-chichinadze” |
Cigar |
2 |
“go-cigar” |
Cola |
17 |
“go-cola” |
Colville |
4 |
“go-colville” |
Corana |
4 |
“go-corana” |
CosineMixture |
2 |
“go-cosinemixture” |
CrossInTray |
2 |
“go-crossintray” |
CrossLegTable |
2 |
“go-crosslegtable” |
CrownedCross |
2 |
“go-crownedcross” |
Csendes |
2 |
“go-csendes” |
Cube |
2 |
“go-cube” |
Damavandi |
2 |
“go-damavandi” |
DeVilliersGlasser01 |
4 |
“go-devilliersglasser01” |
DeVilliersGlasser02 |
5 |
“go-devilliersglasser02” |
Deb01 |
2 |
“go-deb01” |
Deb03 |
2 |
“go-deb03” |
Decanomial |
2 |
“go-decanomial” |
Deceptive |
2 |
“go-deceptive” |
DeckkersAarts |
2 |
“go-deckkersaarts” |
DeflectedCorrugatedSpring |
2 |
“go-deflectedcorrugatedspring” |
DixonPrice |
2 |
“go-dixonprice” |
Dolan |
5 |
“go-dolan” |
DropWave |
2 |
“go-dropwave” |
Easom |
2 |
“go-easom” |
Eckerle4 |
3 |
“go-eckerle4” |
EggCrate |
2 |
“go-eggcrate” |
EggHolder |
2 |
“go-eggholder” |
ElAttarVidyasagarDutta |
2 |
“go-elattarvidyasagardutta” |
Exp2 |
2 |
“go-exp2” |
Exponential |
2 |
“go-exponential” |
FreudensteinRoth |
2 |
“go-freudensteinroth” |
Gear |
4 |
“go-gear” |
Giunta |
2 |
“go-giunta” |
GoldsteinPrice |
2 |
“go-goldsteinprice” |
Griewank |
2 |
“go-griewank” |
Gulf |
3 |
“go-gulf” |
Hansen |
2 |
“go-hansen” |
Hartmann3 |
3 |
“go-hartmann3” |
Hartmann6 |
6 |
“go-hartmann6” |
HelicalValley |
3 |
“go-helicalvalley” |
HimmelBlau |
2 |
“go-himmelblau” |
HolderTable |
2 |
“go-holdertable” |
Hosaki |
2 |
“go-hosaki” |
Infinity |
2 |
“go-infinity” |
JennrichSampson |
2 |
“go-jennrichsampson” |
Judge |
2 |
“go-judge” |
Katsuura |
2 |
“go-katsuura” |
Keane |
2 |
“go-keane” |
Kowalik |
4 |
“go-kowalik” |
Langermann |
2 |
“go-langermann” |
LennardJones |
6 |
“go-lennardjones” |
Leon |
2 |
“go-leon” |
Levy03 |
2 |
“go-levy03” |
Levy05 |
2 |
“go-levy05” |
Levy13 |
2 |
“go-levy13” |
Matyas |
2 |
“go-matyas” |
McCormick |
2 |
“go-mccormick” |
Meyer |
3 |
“go-meyer” |
Michalewicz |
2 |
“go-michalewicz” |
MieleCantrell |
4 |
“go-mielecantrell” |
Mishra01 |
2 |
“go-mishra01” |
Mishra02 |
2 |
“go-mishra02” |
Mishra03 |
2 |
“go-mishra03” |
Mishra04 |
2 |
“go-mishra04” |
Mishra05 |
2 |
“go-mishra05” |
Mishra06 |
2 |
“go-mishra06” |
Mishra07 |
2 |
“go-mishra07” |
Mishra08 |
2 |
“go-mishra08” |
Mishra09 |
3 |
“go-mishra09” |
Mishra10 |
2 |
“go-mishra10” |
Mishra11 |
2 |
“go-mishra11” |
MultiModal |
2 |
“go-multimodal” |
NeedleEye |
2 |
“go-needleeye” |
NewFunction01 |
2 |
“go-newfunction01” |
NewFunction02 |
2 |
“go-newfunction02” |
OddSquare |
2 |
“go-oddsquare” |
Parsopoulos |
2 |
“go-parsopoulos” |
Pathological |
2 |
“go-pathological” |
Paviani |
10 |
“go-paviani” |
PenHolder |
2 |
“go-penholder” |
Penalty01 |
2 |
“go-penalty01” |
Penalty02 |
2 |
“go-penalty02” |
PermFunction01 |
2 |
“go-permfunction01” |
PermFunction02 |
2 |
“go-permfunction02” |
Pinter |
2 |
“go-pinter” |
Plateau |
2 |
“go-plateau” |
Powell |
4 |
“go-powell” |
PowerSum |
4 |
“go-powersum” |
Price01 |
2 |
“go-price01” |
Price02 |
2 |
“go-price02” |
Price03 |
2 |
“go-price03” |
Price04 |
2 |
“go-price04” |
Qing |
2 |
“go-qing” |
Quadratic |
2 |
“go-quadratic” |
Quintic |
2 |
“go-quintic” |
Rana |
2 |
“go-rana” |
Rastrigin |
2 |
“go-rastrigin” |
Ratkowsky01 |
4 |
“go-ratkowsky01” |
Ratkowsky02 |
3 |
“go-ratkowsky02” |
Ripple01 |
2 |
“go-ripple01” |
Ripple25 |
2 |
“go-ripple25” |
Rosenbrock |
2 |
“go-rosenbrock” |
RosenbrockModified |
2 |
“go-rosenbrockmodified” |
RotatedEllipse01 |
2 |
“go-rotatedellipse01” |
RotatedEllipse02 |
2 |
“go-rotatedellipse02” |
Salomon |
2 |
“go-salomon” |
Sargan |
2 |
“go-sargan” |
Schaffer01 |
2 |
“go-schaffer01” |
Schaffer02 |
2 |
“go-schaffer02” |
Schaffer03 |
2 |
“go-schaffer03” |
Schaffer04 |
2 |
“go-schaffer04” |
Schwefel01 |
2 |
“go-schwefel01” |
Schwefel02 |
2 |
“go-schwefel02” |
Schwefel04 |
2 |
“go-schwefel04” |
Schwefel06 |
2 |
“go-schwefel06” |
Schwefel20 |
2 |
“go-schwefel20” |
Schwefel21 |
2 |
“go-schwefel21” |
Schwefel22 |
2 |
“go-schwefel22” |
Schwefel26 |
2 |
“go-schwefel26” |
Schwefel36 |
2 |
“go-schwefel36” |
Shekel05 |
4 |
“go-shekel05” |
Shekel07 |
4 |
“go-shekel07” |
Shekel10 |
4 |
“go-shekel10” |
Shubert01 |
2 |
“go-shubert01” |
Shubert03 |
2 |
“go-shubert03” |
Shubert04 |
2 |
“go-shubert04” |
SineEnvelope |
2 |
“go-sineenvelope” |
SixHumpCamel |
2 |
“go-sixhumpcamel” |
Sodp |
2 |
“go-sodp” |
Sphere |
2 |
“go-sphere” |
Step |
2 |
“go-step” |
Step2 |
2 |
“go-step2” |
Stochastic |
2 |
“go-stochastic” |
StretchedV |
2 |
“go-stretchedv” |
StyblinskiTang |
2 |
“go-styblinskitang” |
TestTubeHolder |
2 |
“go-testtubeholder” |
ThreeHumpCamel |
2 |
“go-threehumpcamel” |
Thurber |
7 |
“go-thurber” |
Treccani |
2 |
“go-treccani” |
Trefethen |
2 |
“go-trefethen” |
Trid |
6 |
“go-trid” |
Trigonometric01 |
2 |
“go-trigonometric01” |
Trigonometric02 |
2 |
“go-trigonometric02” |
Tripod |
2 |
“go-tripod” |
Ursem01 |
2 |
“go-ursem01” |
Ursem03 |
2 |
“go-ursem03” |
Ursem04 |
2 |
“go-ursem04” |
UrsemWaves |
2 |
“go-ursemwaves” |
VenterSobiezcczanskiSobieski |
2 |
“go-ventersobiezcczanskisobieski” |
Vincent |
2 |
“go-vincent” |
Watson |
6 |
“go-watson” |
Wavy |
2 |
“go-wavy” |
WayburnSeader01 |
2 |
“go-wayburnseader01” |
WayburnSeader02 |
2 |
“go-wayburnseader02” |
Weierstrass |
2 |
“go-weierstrass” |
Whitley |
2 |
“go-whitley” |
Wolfe |
3 |
“go-wolfe” |
XinSheYang01 |
2 |
“go-xinsheyang01” |
XinSheYang02 |
2 |
“go-xinsheyang02” |
XinSheYang03 |
2 |
“go-xinsheyang03” |
XinSheYang04 |
2 |
“go-xinsheyang04” |
Xor |
9 |
“go-xor” |
YaoLiu04 |
2 |
“go-yaoliu04” |
YaoLiu09 |
2 |
“go-yaoliu09” |
Zacharov |
2 |
“go-zacharov” |
ZeroSum |
2 |
“go-zerosum” |
Zettl |
2 |
“go-zettl” |
Zimmerman |
2 |
“go-zimmerman” |
Zirilli |
2 |
“go-zirilli” |